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State Community College Business Calculus Bridge, Math B1131
Course Description (from the College):
This course is designed to provide a bridge from the quarter system to the
semester system for students who took MATH 131. MATH 131 covers
approximately one-half the content of the semester course MATH 1131. This
bridge course will cover the balance of the MATH 1131 curriculum. After
successfully completing MATH 131 and MATH B1131, a student will have
equivalent credit for MATH 1131. The following topics will be covered:
antiderivatives, definite integrals, area, fundamental theorem of
calculus, techniques of integration, differential equations, functions of
several variables, partial derivatives. Business applications throughout.
Prerequisite: MATH 131; minimum grade of “C” Syllabus -- in Word format
Email List via Blackboard Grade Calculator -- javascript online grade calculator
Quiz #1 --
key Suggested Homework Problems
In-Class Exercises Handouts
PDF Graph Paper
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rights reserved To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com Last updated: 2012 August 16th |